Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Folie Design

Through research ive found that as expected, this site has a history of Abandonment. During World War 2 the site housed an air raid shelter and has also seen periods of involvement in water based industries. However, consecutively this site has been forsaken and left to become derelict in favour of sites up river. In its present state it is blind to, and ignorant of, the environmental changes taking place around it and feelings of neglect and abandonment are pulp able.

when adding to this site I wanted to reflect this character in a way that slightly disturbs and reprimands the user.

Yet the site also needs to be activated in a way that will attract a stream of visitors.

My folie design and its insertion into this site is aimed at literally giving the site eyes.

opening the site up to a view of its surroundings; This folie will Function as a viewing deck and be sited mid way up the cliff next to the Story Bridge.

In keeping with the raw and functional nature of the materials pre-existing on site, this folie will be constructed of precast, reinforced concrete panels and glazing.

Its hoped that The Folie design employs the user to stay informed and aware of environmental changes effecting the sites future development

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