Friday, April 8, 2011

During this weeks Tutorial, Discussion with Yvonne about the opposite of Diffusion of responsibility, I will call it 'Employment of responsibility', we begun to discuss slime mould

the name Slime Mould in its broad term is used to describe protisits that use spores to reproduce. In certain parts of their life cycle they appear as gelatinous slime. Slime Moulds begin their life as a single cell amoeba however, when a source of nutrition is found the individual Slime mould cells will create a network of individual cell nuclei joined by membranes. These networks can spread for meters and contain thousands of individual cells all feeding on a given source. When the nutritional source is exhausted the slime mould network will move on to another. New cells will join and the old ones will become rigid and explode themselves, sending out spores to begin the process all over again.

Information and photos taken from viewed 9/4/11

Maybe In this way, prefabricated architecture work in a similar way. Pre fabrication allows for control and this sporing effect.

This Led me to look at other ways in nature that social networking is utilised at a species level for the advancement/ survival of the species

In terms of architectural forms of these patterns, the importance of Nodes, and linking networks of essentially nothing ( or singularly useless/ limited use space) to create a fully functioning system. The shared responsibility associated with a social network.

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