Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Contextual Parameters, Spacial relationship analysis, and Program Plan.

Today I revisited what I have so far done in order to clearly define my Contextual Parameters.
below is a run down on each, where they will effect my design and also ideas of how biomimicry might offer my answers for resolving them.

The spacial Analysis diagram below is the most useful diagram Ive done, in order to understand movement, and dictating movement. This shows a small range of spaces that require connection to others with the majority having a more random relationship. Maybe this random interconnection will be represented in the form?

looking at the spacial relationships diagram above, I begun to map spaces relationship. looking at logical movement as well as the grouping of spaces . I found that two distinct precincts became clear in the diagram to the left. One deals more with the medical needs of mental illness , the other with a more social environment. The creation of this diagram represents the idea of creating psychological barriers. As in , by separating the medical aspects from the social hopefully this will have an effect on the environmental quality. Also within these spaces by dividing private spaces from more communal physically, Im hoping this distinction might create a safe environment for both patients, staff and visitors.

the below diagram is the result of my spacial analysis and more or less represents the program of the building.

The program here is represented horizontally however, more than likely, some of these relationships will be vertical.

This rough diagram expresses the above program layout and how in plan it might look. It also shows possibilities for the way circulating might work

These are my First rough drawings exploring form.

This form comes from the model of Slime Mold and the way in which it spores. This is relevant to the nodes and network Parameter, it allows for nodes/ functional spaces. They are integral to the overall design yet individual and able to be shut off or individualized.

More to come...

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