Monday, April 18, 2011


In order to fulfil the site activation goals set, out in previous posts, I aim to Create a building that encourages a two way care giver relationship between Site and User.

this programming exercise allowed me to marry the needs of the site, previously laid out through site analysis, with a wider perceived social need; which I associate to the user.

Research into the phenomenon of Diffusion of responsibility, Its application to the way in which the Howard smith wharf site is understood, along with my initial folie design intention, has led me to identify the issue of mental health care as the most appropriate method of activating this site.

Its theorised that the implementation of a multi-use development, focussing of treatment of mental illness will create this mutual care giving relationship on the Howard smith wharf site.

The above process looks at the range of spaces needed within this facility. And how each fits within a multi- functional development. It explores problems such as security and Discretion on a basic level - And begins to develop a program for how the development might work. this is continued below.

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