Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Initial Renders

I just quickly put some visualisation elements into my white form model to check proportion and environmental qualities on a human scale.

After Talking through my revised form with Yvonne Last week in the Tutorial it became obvious that the First section of the building at the entry section of the site wasnt really working. ( semi circular entrance)

It didnt have a major Purpose except to continue the form of the building . Looking at it through someone else's eyes its clear that this element is not in contrast with the rest of the building

And so I looked at ways to make this element integrate more into the building. I looked at its function. Its function is an a circulation area to facilitate entry to the building , entry and exit from the escalator. It is also a progressional space from the outside up into the building. This space needs to be Lockable but apart from that there are no more requirements.
and so I tried pooling the existing area up into one ' ball ' of an area.
This was alright but still a bit at odds with the 'swing type flow of the reset of the building. The lift shaft was currently the central component, it functions and even resembles the slime mould network pattern for connections. the Elevator functions the same way so why not do the same thing to it. and so I did.

I entubulated (pretty sure thats not a word but anyway) the elevator like the Lift shaft and that made it look like the building was reaching out and anchoring to the ground ( coincidently, like slime mould and my initial form sketches drawn about 5 weeks ago.)

west elevation

East elevation

South (front) Elevation

Thursday, May 19, 2011

From the Model making exercise to find form these are the results:

From this rough Model I generated some floor plans to understand dimensions and then finally did some quick renders and altered my site plan from week 10

Render 1- west elevation
Render 2- south elevation

Render 3- plan view

Site PLAN - master plan revised

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

For the Last two weeks I have been trying ( pretty unsuccessfully) to learn Blender I've decided that not going to happen this semester and so am moving on.

Last week feedback from crit. Eyvonne said that she didnt understand the link to the form. My building function was good and program but the form was a bit random. I felt the same way and so we looked into how to improve this form.

In the process I decided to loose a couple of programs in my building; the rehab stay facilities were ditched and the Gym and coffee shop were replaced by more Integrative programs, a rehab workshop and a gallery where things made in the workshop would be sold.

with the help of Eyvonne Ive gone back, and established 3 Main areas of Importance:

the doctors/ admin/ therapy space ( fixed)
the visitor/ communal space (flexi)
and the Patient accom space (flexi)

It is important that the Fixed space be so because it is a supporting space. The Flexi spaces are supported spaces and so As long as they maintain contact with the fixed they are fine.

This brought up the Idea of Layers within a building. Supporting layers and supported layer.

also utilizing the cliff face was discussed and ways of using it as shelter. situating the patient accom as seperating, safe element

The Idea of flexi areas, and where can all programs exist was also discussed - All of these have been further explored in Model making excercised. And I think I have decided on A form which comes from the above discussed functions.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


After resolving that my form will be organic in nature, this week I have been investigating software that will better allow me to model an organic form

this week Ive been looking at Blender and trying to model my form.

through this process my form has evolved to look as though it is entering into and running through the site.

I am a little bit stuck at this point however. The floor area restrictions are proving to be a bit of a problem for me . I have changed the dimensions of my floor plans as they were way to big...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Internal / External environment. Storyboarding

Inorder to better communicate my visions for this development below are a few quick sketches in order to be read with the floor plans and site plan to give an understanding to the environments created within this development
Bellow I tried to communicate the open circular entrance at the top of site. whilst it is long and large upon first impressions. the level of the roof and its flat pitch give it human qualities and make it less imposing

once inside the reception of the building the environment is calmed by a full height view out over the brisbane river and kangaroo point. What is going on around the spaces are secondary as attention is drawn to the panorama. This will be a main feature of many spaces within the building.

down by the river and along the boardwalk the feel will be like anywhere else in the city, the public going about their business, exercising, on lunch breaks, shopping. It will in essence be a continuation of the riverside boardwalk at eagle street.

Floor Planing

Now That I have looked at program, the technical issues and standards, and have an Idea what formal relationship the building might take I cab begin to look at floor planing.

Yesterday I looked at the BCA and after classifying different parts of my building begun to look at the various size requirement in order to get an Idea about room sized ceiling heights etc.

Below are my Initial Floor plans for the first and second floor. This process was not so necessary for the river side story yet as mainly the buildings along the river will be single use.

this process shows rough sizes of space, breakdowns and relationships. Hopefully this also emphasises how the floor plans have been design to achieve all the goals of the development discussed previously in this blog.

Techtonic issues

Looking more into the Tectonics of my original follie design. I think that the Igloo type structural system would still be relevant to the design of the mental health facility however there are a few problems once the size of the development increases

more research to come and more realistic structural drawings

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Initial physical modells

From my initial floor planning and my programming I have begun to make ROUGH paper models in order to explore forms.

The model to the left I think best encapsulated my programming along with the issues im looking to deal with. tectonically its dramatic, relates vertically and suited to the site I feel.

from here I have drawn and feel as though I am getting close to a suitable formal arrangement

wanting to look at ways of making form less brutal more easily circulatory . Form promoting networks of transport through building
the form above allows for this circulation system.

Public space and site planning

After looking previously at site analysis and context within the city. Then Further exploring the issue of abandonment central to my
and settling on the issue of diffusion of responsibility ( by stander effect). I decided to design a treatment facility for mental illness and design my program. Based on this previous understanding Iv e looked into the site planning and bellow are those aspect I have emphasised as they bare significance to my topic:
Bellow is a final ( al be it unfinished and unlabelled ) layout of my site plan the above mentioned aspect have been of central importance during planning.

of Major importance is maintaining privacy and discreet existence of this building and its visitors within the surrounding urban environment. This site plan is at 1:1000 I chose to represent at this scale in order to highlight those aspects important to the site planning. at 1: 5000 allot of this detail went un noticed. for my presentation in week nine I will include both a 1:5000 and 1:1000 site plan I think if necessary as I think the 1:1000 is more effective

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Also inorder to ensure smooth transition of spaces, fitting such as doors and even furniture should be concealable, or multifunctional.

I will finish interior spaces in this way.

Another important element of this building will be the internal light quality.

often in medical facilities, the position of patients means that lighting is not viewed from normal perspective. In some way i think light needs to be changeable, directed or controlled to avoid discomfort. This has a lot to do with colour and reflectivity. Also I thinks its really important to use natural light wherever possible in health environments. the australian standard that natural light should be used where possible so as not to affect clinical judgement. I more see it as beneficial to creating a healing/ healthy environment.

here are some other finish provisions I have set. hopefully these aid spacial qualities:

matt finish where possible
night lighting required
non contrasting

Iv e mentioned before the possibility of a central escalator or elevator, some way to connect the vertical parts of the building. this would also be a good opportunity to bring light into central spaces, could double as a light shaft. I dont really like this image

( taken from viewed 2/5/11. )

this idea with more of a Tim burton twist.

( taken from viewed 2.5.11)

All the Boring practical stuff now..


Stemming from my previous design process and justification It has become apparent to me that my building will rely on proximity relationships and proportion/ spacial qualities. To realise the network/ node quality within my building, coupled with the practical compliance aspects of designing a public health building I believe that the use of walkways, landings, ramps, and hallways will be central to my design.

( with the exception of the possibility of a central escalator) I will try to use ramp and landings as ways of directing movement and compensating for level changes without the use of stairs. Its my idea that this will enhance connectivity when there are a large number of spaces. Practically this is desirable in terms of access. through this
interconnecting network of flat,

angled and twisting walking platforms movement through the building will hopefully feel organised and in some ways digital (as if in a video game or something.. im not really sure, just an idea on the networked movement of slime mould)

Even though its boring, looking into these standard now before I start to properly design is vital. Its a huge help when begining to design knowing proximity and space allowance in advance

These standard diagrams are the most important standard that will aid me in my design of walkways, landings ramps ect.

The importance of this facility as primarily a health facility means that provisions for disabled access are also central. Hopefully, people of all capacities will navigate through the building with ease.