Sunday, May 1, 2011


Also inorder to ensure smooth transition of spaces, fitting such as doors and even furniture should be concealable, or multifunctional.

I will finish interior spaces in this way.

Another important element of this building will be the internal light quality.

often in medical facilities, the position of patients means that lighting is not viewed from normal perspective. In some way i think light needs to be changeable, directed or controlled to avoid discomfort. This has a lot to do with colour and reflectivity. Also I thinks its really important to use natural light wherever possible in health environments. the australian standard that natural light should be used where possible so as not to affect clinical judgement. I more see it as beneficial to creating a healing/ healthy environment.

here are some other finish provisions I have set. hopefully these aid spacial qualities:

matt finish where possible
night lighting required
non contrasting

Iv e mentioned before the possibility of a central escalator or elevator, some way to connect the vertical parts of the building. this would also be a good opportunity to bring light into central spaces, could double as a light shaft. I dont really like this image

( taken from viewed 2/5/11. )

this idea with more of a Tim burton twist.

( taken from viewed 2.5.11)

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